MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Civic Media) — It ends today in the City of Waukesha, tomorrow in the City of Kenosha, and Sunday in the cities of Milwaukee and Racine. Early, in-person absentee voting wraps up this weekend ahead of the election Tuesday.
Monday will be a day of no voting, anywhere. To see your local voting options and to find out more about your ballot, visit
Officials remind voters that photo identification is required to cast a ballot.
In the City of Waukesha, residents can vote in-person absentee at City Hall, through Friday at 5pm.
The City of Milwaukee offers early voting at multiple locations until Sunday, November 3. Sites include American Serb Hall, Zeidler Municipal Building, and several public libraries, with varying hours.
The City of Racine provides early voting options on Sunday at City Hall and the MLK Community Center from 9am to noon, with additional options at
The City of Kenosha’s early voting is limited to Room 104 at Municipal Hall, ending Saturday.
Regular polling places will be open on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5.
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