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DATCP Warns of Lodging Scams

Source: Wisconsin DATCP

DATCP Warns of Lodging Scams

Tim Thiede/Jo Ann Krulatz

Jan 22, 2025, 1:39 PM CST



As the end of January draws near many consumers are already arranging future vacation plans. When making arrangements be on the look-out for scammers. Michelle Reinen (rye-nun) is with The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP).

When searching for lodging bargains be sure to do your homework.

When you do find a website, or app, with a good bargain be cautious when you are given instructions.

Reinen says that you should make sure you get documentation about any policies from the establishment you are staying at.

Next week Michelle Reinen will discuss what to be aware of when booking a flight for your vacation. If you suspect, or are a victim of, a scam you can contact DATCP’s Consumer Protection Hotline by phone at 1-800-422-7128 or by email at [email protected].

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