Source: Melissa Kaye
Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – A protest took place in Wisconsin Rapids on March 14, 2025. Several happened in cities across Wisconsin that day protesting executive orders from the Trump Administration and moves from Republican House and Senate members to cut funding and programs. A group of about a dozen people gathered on the East Riverview Expressway near the hospital in Wisconsin Rapids.
One attendee held a sign that declared Hate Doesn’t Make Us Great and on the flip side it read, Science Is Real. She said, “We got tired of hearing the news and we decided we needed to do something and this is what we came up with.” She said it was a spur of the moment idea and they put the word out, made signs, and headed to a visible spot on the East Riverview Expressway.
Protestors walked up and down the bridge with signs. They read Save our Democracy, Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare among other demands. Another protester said this will be a recurring protest every Friday from 3:00PM until 4:15PM. They hope to get more people every time. “We’re exercising our right for peaceful protest, keeping it legal.”
After the protest in Wisconsin Rapids wrapped up, attendees said they saw a varied response. Some drivers made rude gestures but overall they saw many more thumbs ups and peace signs. There were also horn honks and cheerful waves.
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