Source: Melissa Kaye
Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – The Wisconsin Rapids Common Council approved extending the Mayor’s term to 3 years. They held their regular monthly meeting on March 18, 2025.
The motion was presented during a meeting in February. It originally included extending the terms for Alderpersons, however everyone agreed that was not necessary. General discussion at the meeting ended with agreement. They said it’s difficult for the Mayor to accomplish objectives within two years if they have to spend the second half of their term campaigning for the next election.
Another reason the committee agreed to the ordinance change is because they have oversight if the elected Mayor isn’t doing their job. In Wisconsin, a City Council can remove or fire an elected Mayor if there is due cause and a three-fourths vote in the council.
The motion to extend the Mayor’s term passed the Common Council with a unanimous vote. Alderperson Palmquist motioned to approve. Alderperson Delaney seconded and the Charter Ordinance was approved eight ayes to zero nays. This change will not take effect until the next election cycle.
Item five on the agenda addressed approving No Mow May for the city this year. City resident, Elizabeth Whalen is the Project Leader for Monarch and Pollinator Encouragement Project through Clean Green Action as well as working with Wild Ones of Central Wisconsin. She told the council, “We’ve actually learned a lot and maybe we’re kind of considering and hoping to go towards a slow mow summer.” She said that a one size fits all approach doesn’t work for everyone. They would like to provide more educational information to residents on how the program would benefit both pollinators and residents.
Alderperson Patrick Delaney spoke in favor of the program as a whole. “It is well received. A lot of people do it. I haven’t heard one complaint about No Mow May.” Delaney made the motion to approve No Mow May without the requirement to register or put a sign in the yard. The motion passed six ayes to two nays. City residents won’t be required to keep their lawns under 6 inches until June 4th, 2025.
You can watch the full Common Council meeting from March 18, 2025 here. Information for Common Council members is on the City website here.
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